College Assistance Information


Below you will find important information related to the various ways that on-campus help if provided to help you succeed at SMC. All of these services are free to access, and I encourage you to take advantage of any form of help you need. There is no need for you to talk to me prior to going to any of these offices, but you are welcome to discuss anything you would like to.


Ask a librarian!

Need library sources but don’t know where to start? Searching for a book, article, or data to inform your argument? Not sure how to cite a source in your bibliography? Ask a librarian!

Research help is available in person at the Reference Desk, by phone at 925-631-4624, and during reference hours you can even text a librarian at 925-235-4762 or chat with us live via the Library’s website. Check the Library’s Ask Us page for details. (

Extended assistance by appointment is also available with

Full online access to The New York Times is available to all students. Please create an account using this link:

Users must first register and create a login through this link. Upon activation, you will be able to enjoy from wherever you are – on or off campus by using your personal login. iPhone, iPad and Android apps are accessible using your personal NYT login. Use your email address. You cannot use SMC passwords, as symbols aren’t allowed in the NY Times authentication system. A video tutorial of the sign-up process is available.

STEM Center

STEM CENTER: Saint Mary’s has a new STEM Center on the second floor of Assumption Hall for students studying Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The STEM Center will provide several useful services, including:

  • Math and Chemistry tutoring: Monday-Thursday 12-9 PM; Sunday 6-9 PM
  • “Pathways to Science” speaker series featuring world-class scientists
  • Social events with free food
  • Study space and computer workstations

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ameer Thompson at or (925) 631-6282

Student Success Coaching

The Student Success Office and its departments provide students with connections, opportunities, and initiatives that foster: holistic learning and education; academic, personal and professional development and excellence; degree achievement; and positive post-graduate outcomes from a developmental and strengths-based perspective. In addition to an academic advisor (faculty), each student has a designated success coach (staff) from Student Engagement and Academic Success (SEAS) or the High Potential Program (HP), who supports a student holistically to build on their strengths, identifies resources to develop their skills, and ensures they achieve developmental milestones throughout college. Find your success coach here: or call (925) 631-4800 for an appointment.

Student Disability Services (SDS)

The College strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. Students who açnticipate or experience academic barriers based on a disability are encouraged to contact Student Disability Services (SDS), a department of the Student Success Office, to set up a confidential appointment to discuss available services and options. The Student Disability Services office can be reached by emailing; calling 925-631-4358, or visiting the office located in Filippi Academic Hall FAH190.

Tutorial and Academic Skills Center (TASC)

TASC, a department of the Student Success Office, provides tutoring for the majority of courses offered at Saint Mary’s College. The tutoring is done in both an individual and small group format. The tutoring is intended to supplement the work done in the class. The goal is for the tutee and tutor to work collaboratively towards a better understanding of the material. You can request a tutor online at

Academic Honor Code

Saint Mary’s College expects every member of its community to abide by the Academic Honor Code. According to the Code, “Academic dishonesty is a serious violation of College policy because, among other things, it undermines the bonds of trust and honesty between members of the community.” Violations of the Code include but are not limited to acts of plagiarism. For more information, please consult the Student Handbook at [for traditional undergraduate students] or [for graduate and professional students]. If a reasonable suspicion arises that you have violated academic honor code, you will be referred to the Academic Honor Council for further review and or necessary sanctions.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) supports the emotional well-being of the student body and is committed to a respectful understanding and honoring of the social, emotional, and cultural contexts of each student. CAPS provides time-limited individual and group therapy, emergency and crisis intervention, and prevention-oriented outreach to students at no additional charge. More information can be found on our webpage:, or by calling x4364. To make a confidential appointment, please stop by our office on the ground floor of Augustine Hall.

CWAC: Center for Writing Across the Curriculum

Writing Circles: During weekly, small-group workshops, students discuss their own writing projects, at all stages of the process. This is a pass-fail course: .25-credit COMM 190 for undergraduates or 1-credit EDUC 504 for graduate students.

One-to-one sessions: Anyone – students, faculty, staff – may make appointments or drop in, De La Salle Hall, 4-8:15 p.m. Sunday; 9:15 a.m.-8:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday; & 11:30-4 p.m. Friday. 925.631.4684, Writing Advisers guide peers toward expressing ideas clearly, always weighing audience and purpose. Writers bring their assignment sheets and readings in order to brainstorm ideas, revise drafts, or work on specific aspects of writing, such as grammar, citation, thesis development, organization, critical reading, or research methods. They may discuss any genre, including poetry, science lab reports, argument-driven research, theses, or scholarship application letters.