
Attendance Policy

You are expected to regularly attend class. According to standard St. Mary’s January Term policy, more than 1 absence will affect your final course grade since absences are counted at triple the normal rate (1 absence=missing 1 week of class).  Because visits to the museums count as two class days as well as being the basis for the discussion and homework for that week, missing an on-site museum visit not only counts as two absences, it also means you cannot fully complete the homework for that week.  Please do not miss any on-site visits, as doing so will significantly impact your final grade.

If you are absent more than 3 “days” (e.g. 1 on-campus class and 1 on-site visite would count as 3 days) — the equivalent of 3 weeks —  you cannot pass this course. Three late arrivals (5-30 minutes) count as ⅓ of an absence.  (Missing more than 30 minutes counts as a full absence). Regular lack of class preparation or engagement will also be counted as an absence.

We do appreciate being notified of absences beforehand through email.  If you are absent, you are responsible for finding out about assignments given in class or any changes to the assignment discussed in class.  Please be sure to get the names and numbers of some fellow students to find out what went on so that you are prepared when you return. You can also reach fellow students through Moodle.


From the January Term Policies page: “Students are expected to do at least two hours of outside-of-class work for every hour of class or at least five hours of work for every regularly scheduled day of class. Plan accordingly.”  This policy means that you should plan to time to do at least 4-5 hours of reading/writing per day at least 4 days a week. Look at the scheduled readings ahead of time so you can be prepared to spread this reading out over the week in such a way that readings and assignments are done in time for the day they are due.  

Late Work

Assignments are due at the beginning of class.  If you are late, so is the assignment. No late short daily assignments will be accepted – please do not ask.   In fairness to those who submit their more substantial written work on time, late assignments will be marked down as follows: one level (e.g., B to B-) if handed in by the next class; two levels (e.g., B to C+) if handed in between then and one week after the due date; one full grade if handed in beyond one week (e.g., B to C).  No assignments other than the final one will be accepted after the last day of classes except with prior permission.

If due to special circumstances you anticipate a problem with one of the due dates, please come see us at least 48 hours beforehand to make special arrangements.  We will not go below 50% of the possible points for a paper that is turned in and meets the basic requirements of the assignment.  In other words, you may receive an E for the paper, but you will still get points toward your grade.  All major assignments must be turned in to receive a passing grade for the course.

All written work, except work that you are to do in your sketchbook/journal,  must be typed and include your name, the name of the class, the date, and be stapled.  Please proofread your work before turning it in.

Daily Preparation – 20% total– (careful reading, typed daily homework, etc. – 5% per week)

While daily preparation will vary, at the very least you are expected to come having read the material listed for that day on the syllabus and have questions, insights, and thoughts to share with the class. Certain days you will be asked to type up responses or do other forms of preparation for class. Absences the class before do not excuse you from these expectations, so be sure to check with a classmate or me at least 24 hours before the next class if you missed the previous session.

Participation in discussion 15%

Participation in critique forms part of participation, but there are other elements which students are expected to participate actively, such as discussions about homework readings; lectures presenting artists’ work, gallery visit report, among others. You should be consistently and actively engaged in class discussion by asking questions and/or sharing your insights. Readings should be completed prior to class, and assignments typed and proofread. Your participation should reflect your careful preparation for class and serves as evidence of that preparation.

Engagement during off-campus excursions 10%

Our off-campus trips are to museums with the express purpose of viewing artworks. You are expected to engage in the process of learning in the environment of the museum, some of which is structured for you. During on-site visits, you are representing Saint Mary’s and are expected to arrive on time, follow directions given by us or those conducting museum visits, and exhibit professional behavior in general.  As there will be extensive walking involved, please wear comfortable shoes and clothing.

Sketchbook/journal for both creative and academic research 10%

Your journal is an important document that will be submitted at the end of the course for grading. The journal should be used for any type of note making – including drawing.

Detailed information will be given on the written projects as they approach.

Special Note on Plagiarism:

Please do your own work. You are guilty of plagiarism if you try to take credit for work done by someone else. For example, do not turn in a composition written or largely edited by someone else; do not use someone else’s words or ideas without using quotation marks and proper documentation.  Do not substitute someone else’s online interpretation of a text for yours.

SMC has an academic honor code that asks students to pledge to do their own work in their own words, without seeking inappropriate aid in preparing for exams or assignments. The pledge reads as follows: “As a student member of an academic community based in mutual trust and responsibility, I pledge: to do my own work at all times, without giving or receiving inappropriate aid; to avoid behaviors that unfairly impede the academic progress of other members of my community; and to take reasonable and responsible action in order to uphold my community’s academic integrity.” This course operates under the premises of the academic honor code, including the expectation that you will work to uphold high standards of integrity. I am available to discuss issues of academic integrity and any questions you might have about the relationship between the policy and this course. To understand the academic honor code in full, please see the most recent Student Handbook at www.stmarys-ca.edu/your-safety-resources/student-handbook.  As a member of the SMC academic community, I am required to report instances of suspected violations of academic honesty.